Building Good

Building Good to Help Communities Thrive

McKinstry engages our communities to protect our environment, nurture children and advance equity and social justice through volunteering and philanthropy.

Building Good through Philanthropic Giving

  • Charitable Foundation: Providing gifts to nonprofit organizations across the country
  • Impact Fund: Enabling volunteerism and match dollars for employee-volunteered time
  • People’s Choice (Staff & Union): Employee-directed giving to a charity of choice

Building Good through Service

Making a Real Difference

Community engagement is an integral part of who McKinstry is. With purpose, deep intention and agility, our work is targeted in areas where the impact is greatest.

  • 1,000+ McKinstry employees engaged in dozens of community service projects nationwide each year
  • 100+ nonprofits supported by our employees through our annual “People’s Choice” program
  • $1,000,000+ contributed annually to organizations in our communities
  • $130,000+ contributed at the start of the Covid pandemic when our communities needed us the most

Spark Innovation

McKinstry Architectural Metals Shine in Portland Internat…

Catching a flight out of Portland International Airport? You’ll likely notice a fresh feel at PDX’s new main terminal…

Key Considerations for Implementing Liquid Cooling in Dat…

As data centers face increasing demands for energy efficiency, performance, and sustainability, liquid cooling has em…

Forging Her Own Path: Carly Rush’s Journey as a Leader in…

Carly Rush never imagined herself in a corporate office. The traditional desk job didn’t fit her energy, her drive or…