Nikki Mitchell

Talent Acquisition Supervisor
Seattle, Washington

What led you to pursuing a career in talent acquisition?

A career pivot at the beginning of 2015 took me from working in student development and higher education to recruiting. Recruiting had always been in the back of my mind as something I thought I’d enjoy. I love building relationships and making connections and it seemed I had transferrable skills from my time in education.

I set my sights on becoming a recruiter, and I honed my skills as a recruiter in the highly competitive technology market in the greater Seattle area. After the firm’s acquisition and a change in leadership, I decided it was time to find a new professional home, which is when I landed at McKinstry.

Do you have any words of advice for someone who wishes to follow a similar career path?

Build your network, be curious and ask questions. You never know what you might learn from someone or where a new connection may lead you.

What really excites you about working at McKinstry?

I love the people at McKinstry. The people are what drew me to McKinstry in the first place and it’s why I stay. Our collective purpose of working together to build a thriving planet is one that I find incredibly powerful and motivating.

How do you like to spend your time outside of work?

I have a seven-month-old son who keeps my husband and I very busy, so there’s little time for relaxing these days, but we love to spend as much time outside walking and hiking as possible. We live in West Seattle so you can often find us trekking through Lincoln Park or visiting the weekly farmers market on Sundays.

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