Dana Chennault

Marketing Specialist
Dallas, Texas

How do the ideals of Action for Impact influence your daily life?

I’ve always considered myself an evolved tree hugger, so sustainability has always been a part of my everyday life. I recycle. I compost. I have rain barrels to supplement my garden water supply. Even with my everyday practices, Action for Impact has matured my awareness and made me think of things that I never considered.

What can we do to strengthen inclusivity on our jobsites?

When I look at a company and see a diverse environment, I know that they value people and their cultures and backgrounds. They recognize that different people working together as a team makes a better product and a stronger company. We must encourage companies to become more diverse so that more opportunities open up for people of color like myself.

What really excites you about working at McKinstry?

The people, the culture, the innovations… I could go on and on. Did I say the people? It’s really refreshing working for a company that truly values their employees and takes the time to ensure that everyone understands the culture. This alone sets McKinstry apart from others.

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