Hiring Our Heroes

The Hiring our Heroes Corporate Fellowship Program provides a bridge to a meaningful civilian career for transitioning military service members.

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Your Military Service is a Valued Asset

Based on the skillset you wish to develop, you will be matched up and embedded within a McKinstry team to provide meaningful training and hands-on experience in your area of interest. 

A Supported Transition

The change from service to a civilian career is a big shift. You deserve to be supported by a company that stands by you, is proud of your dedicated service to our country and is committed to providing an avenue for your exploration as you forge a new career path.

A Career with Purpose

Putting others first is a core value that we live by. It’s vital in building the teams who serve our clients and communities. We look for people with diverse backgrounds who are inspired to take bold action to solve the big problems we face, and we value the perspective and experience our veterans bring.  

Our Action For Impact

You’re Used to Serving a Greater Purpose

Join us to take charge and leave our planet better for generations to come.  

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Meet Our People

Jennifer Koch: A Leader Shaping Her Industry

Jennifer Koch remembers what it was like to be the only woman in the room in her early days in a fast-paced building …

Hannah Roppo: A Career Takes Flight

As a star athlete in high school, Hannah Roppo had set her future hopes on playing soccer in college. But, when…

Julian Allen: Being Constantly Curious for Black History …

February is Black History Month, a time to celebrate the contributions and history of Black people in the U.S. Offici…