Resources for understanding and utilizing the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)

McKinstry Hosts Vice President Harris on Inflation Reduction Act Anniver...

McKinstry was chosen as an exemplar of how the IRA is accelerating our zero-carbon future and advancing workforce dev...

Celebrating One Year of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)

The bill enables a journey towards a more efficient and resilient infrastructure for our country One year ago, Pre...

Inflation Reduction Act: What is Direct Pay?

Diving into the details of the legislation to help you understand your options. The Inflation Reduction Act create...

Inflation Reduction Act: What is the Investment Tax Credit?

Our IRA video series dives into the details of the recent legislation to help you understand your options. The In...

Inflation Reduction Act: When and how should I get started to make the m...

Our IRA video series dives into the details of the recent legislation to help you understand your options. The Inf...

Inflation Reduction Act: Is the IRA here to stay?

Our IRA video series dives into the details of the recent legislation to help you understand your options. The Inf...

Inflation Reduction Act: Can I use the ITC for electric vehicles and fle...

Our IRA video series dives into the details of the recent legislation to help you understand your options. The Inf...

Inflation Reduction Act: Why is the Inflation Reduction Act Important t...

Our IRA video series dives into the details of the recent legislation to help you understand your options. The Inf...

Inflation Reduction Act: Understanding the Difference Between an Investm...

Our IRA video series dives into the details of the recent legislation to help you understand your options. The Inf...

Winona State University Aerial View of Solar Panels

Inflation Reduction Act: What is an ITC and How Much Can it Impact Proje...

Our IRA video series dives into the details of the recent legislation to help you understand your options. The Inf...

Inflation Reduction Act: What Does it Mean for Energy Production and Job...

Our IRA video series dives into the details of the recent legislation to help you understand your options. The Inf...

Inflation Reduction Act: What Can I Do with It? 

Unprecedented investment creates significant opportunities to innovate waste and climate harm out of the built enviro...