McKinstry Introduces Zero+ Commitment

Zero+ commitment delivers an affordable and equitable pathway to decarbonization

As the climate crisis continues to escalate, our immediate action is essential to combating irreversible climate damage by 2030. This, coupled with increased systemic inequities and perpetually high materials costs, those who have the least are poised to suffer the most from these global crises.

Our Action for Impact plan guides us to thoughtfully and aggressively tackle these crises by innovating the waste and climate harm out of the built environment. Zero+ reaffirms our commitment to a zero-carbon future while prioritizing affordability and accessibility without compromise. Zero carbon plus a better building without compromise, that is our Zero+ commitment.

What is Zero+ and how can you benefit?

We firmly believe that getting to and maintaining zero carbon should never compromise an organization’s core mission or operations. Zero+ is McKinstry’s approach to zero-carbon success with certainty. Whether it’s new construction, major retrofits or an ongoing path to zero, we commit to your zero-carbon aspiration and create a tactical path forward to reach your goal.

Zero+ is defined by these five tenets:  

  • Zero carbon PLUS certainty. Gone are the days of paralysis by analysis and your choice is made easy with the Zero+ commitment. We work alongside your team to map, forecast and plan every detail to remove any uncertainty; your zero-carbon aspiration is realistic and obtainable. ​

  • Zero carbon PLUS occupant wellness, comfort and safety. Your core mission is our priority. Zero carbon improves building occupant wellness, comfort and performance with healthy indoor air quality, optimum lighting and other high-performing system strategies. ​

  • Zero carbon PLUS building performance.With Zero+, efficiency goes up and energy costs go down, leaving you with facilities that are easy to operate and maintain. ​ We design for long-term building performance and ongoing measurement and verification ensures your building is high performing for decades to come.

  • Zero carbon PLUS compliance. A Zero+ future guarantees compliance now and into the future by accounting for evolving energy code and policy mandates. We guarantee that your building will meet all known future code cycles and policy mandates.​

  • Zero carbon PLUS community engagement. You want to do right by your community; let us help. Our Zero+ commitment includes community outreach to ensure your community is aware of and engaged in your zero-carbon journey.​

Market Focus for Zero+

K-12 Education                                                                  Healthcare

Commercial Real Estate                                               State and Local Government

Higher Education                                                             Commercial and Industrial

New Building Construction                                          Existing Building Construction

Portfolio or Campus                                                        Data Centers

Airports and Transportation                                       Shared-Energy EcoDistricts

Life Sciences

Zero+ Project Experience

Innovating the waste and climate harm out of the built environment is embedded in all that we do. In addition to Action for Impact, Zero+ serves as a guide for our mission and applies to our entire suite of service offerings and capabilities.

Winona State rendering 1

Winona State University

McKinstry and Winona State University are partnering together for largest energy performance contract project in the Minnesota State University System that will result in annual guaranteed utility and operational cost savings of at approximately $673,000—a 23.8% reduction in utility costs and a total savings of $26 million over the project’s 25-year lifetime.

Learn More: Winona State University

Other Projects: Denver Public Schools | Salt Lake City School District 

Climate Pledge Arena 1

Climate Pledge Arena

As a dedicated partner in this endeavor, McKinstry worked across design and construction teams to deliver before the first game of the Seattle Kraken’s inaugural season. McKinstry performed site development, engineering, procurement, installation and commissioning.

Learn More: Climate Pledge Arena

Other Projects: Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado 


Catalyst Building

Catalyst is served by an all-electric heating and cooling plant housed within the neighboring Morris Center. This groundbreaking system combines eight different mechanical devices to provide heating and cooling to all buildings, including Catalyst, within the larger Spokane EcoDistrict.

Learn More: Catalyst Building

Other Projects: Seattle Central College | Spokane Living Laboratory 


King County Metro

With aggressive sustainability and carbon reduction goals established in King County’s 2020 Climate Action Plan, Metro needed a partner to support their journey to achieve a 100% zero-emissions fleet by 2035. As King County’s prequalified energy partner, McKinstry stepped in.

Learn More: King County Metro Zero-Emissions Fleet 

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