Our Living Laboratory for Transformative Change

South Landing is home to our central research and development (R&D) efforts. The campus serves as a living laboratory, allowing us to work with industry partners to design solutions that will drive waste and climate harm out of our built environment.

Catalyst Building

The Catalyst Building is on target to be one of the largest zero-carbon and zero-energy buildings ever certified by the International Living Future Institute (ILFI). Every decision in the design and construction of Catalyst centered on zero-carbon and zero-energy operations. We started with the end in mind, optimizing every step of the process to reach our goals.

Morris Center

The Morris Center is the Catalyst’s brainy neighbor and other half. The building houses an all-electric central energy plant that delivers clean, shared energy to all buildings within the South Landing development through an innovative EcoDistrict.

Spokane EcoDistrict

An all-electric central energy plant transforms the development into a shared-energy EcoDistrict. McKinstry performed more than 40,000 energy models to design the EcoDistrict and deliver grid-optimal operations.

If the grid needs more supply, energy consumption within South Landing decreases, freeing up any renewable energy generation and stored electrical and thermal energy supply. If the grid can’t absorb more supply, excess energy from the grid is moved to the on-site electrical and thermal storage systems.

The South Landing Campus

South Landing stands as an audacious example of what’s possible in transforming our built environment; proving zero-energy and zero-carbon buildings are possible in any market at zero cost premium.

The South Landing EcoDistrict: Shared Energy for Spokane
The South Landing EcoDistrict: Shared Energy for Spokane

An Innovation Proving Ground

South Landing provides a testbed for McKinstry to imagine, test and validate innovative approaches to engineering, construction and operations.

Changing the Sustainability Conversation

Catalyst is constructed using cross-laminated timber (CLT). The more than 4,000 cubic meters of CLT within Catalyst is enough to store the equivalent of 3,713 metric tons of carbon dioxide. It also eliminates enough steel and concrete to avoid 1,437 metric tons of carbon emissons.

A Working Rooftop

Catalyst features a substantial rooftop solar PV array that generates approximately 300,000 kWh/year. The remaining renewable energy needed to deliver zero-energy operations are provided via PV arrays on top of the neighboring buildings and McKinstry’s renewable energy grant programs.

An Innovation Hub

South Landing houses higher education, private industry and research tenants within a shared space. Occupants interact with advanced energy systems and operations to deliver an education and innovation experience unlike any other.

Creating a Net-Positive Relationship with the Energy Grid
Creating a Net-Positive Relationship with the Energy Grid
The Vision Behind South Landing
The Vision Behind South Landing

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