Build the Future

Creating a better built world takes innovative thinking and collective action. McKinstry is taking clear steps to build the future that our clients and communities deserve.

Action for Impact

Transformative change requires collective action, and Action for Impact is our rally cry. Together, we can address the climate, affordability and equity crises head on. Compelled by our vision and values, we will lead by example and spur our industry through Action for Impact.

Building The Future
Zero-Carbon with Certainty

Buildings generate nearly 40% of global energy-related carbon emissions. Change is coming, but we must quicken the pace. McKinstry is thinking boldly to decarbonize our buildings and innovate the climate harm out of the built world.

Our Zero+ Commitment
Dawson Ventures

Good ideas deserve attention. Dawson Ventures provides the structure and incubation needed to bring those good ideas to life. From spinning up new companies to investing in emerging technologies, Dawson Ventures allows our innovative spirit to flourish.

About Dawson Ventures
Spokane Living Laboratory

Every innovator needs a laboratory. The Spokane Living Laboratory at South Landing is ours. The Spokane EcoDistrict provides our people and partners an immersive testbed to push what’s possible in high-performing, zero-carbon building design, construction and operations.

Explore Spokane Living Laboratory
Equity and Inclusion

Our industry must represent the communities we serve. Diversity, equity and inclusion foster better ideas from all perspectives. Industry inclusion is our foundation in creating the built environment that current and future generations deserve.

About Equity & Inclusion

Spark Innovation

McKinstry Architectural Metals Shine in Portland Internat…

Catching a flight out of Portland International Airport? You’ll likely notice a fresh feel at PDX’s new main terminal…

Key Considerations for Implementing Liquid Cooling in Dat…

As data centers face increasing demands for energy efficiency, performance, and sustainability, liquid cooling has em…

Forging Her Own Path: Carly Rush’s Journey as a Leader in…

Carly Rush never imagined herself in a corporate office. The traditional desk job didn’t fit her energy, her drive or…