Dana Chennault
Marketing Specialist
Dallas, Texas
I’ve always considered myself an evolved tree hugger, so sustainability has always been a part of my everyday life. I recycle. I compost. I have rain barrels to supplement my garden water supply. Even with my everyday practices, Action for Impact has matured my awareness and made me think of things that I never considered.
When I look at a company and see a diverse environment, I know that they value people and their cultures and backgrounds. They recognize that different people working together as a team makes a better product and a stronger company. We must encourage companies to become more diverse so that more opportunities open up for people of color like myself.
The people, the culture, the innovations… I could go on and on. Did I say the people? It’s really refreshing working for a company that truly values their employees and takes the time to ensure that everyone understands the culture. This alone sets McKinstry apart from others.